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Reverend Marcellous A. Buckner



Reverend Marcellous Alvin Buckner was born on September 28, 1951, in the city of Walterboro, South Carolina to the proud parents of Mr. Harold Buckner and Evangelist Nadine Buckner-Burgess. He is the husband of Avis D. Buckner, formerly of Petersburg, VA and the proud father of two daughters, Deborah and Erica, and five granddaughters, De'Lawren, Jordyn, Sydney, Laliah, Riley, and Jalynn. 


He attended school in South Carolina and higher education at The Washington Saturday College at Howard University. He was called to the Gospel Ministry on August 4, 1984, at the Parkview Baptist Church. He was licensed to preach on November 30, 1986, under the direction of Pastor Clifford J. Hughes of the Parkview Baptist Church, Landover, MD. He was ordained on September 23, 1989. 


Since being called to the Gospel Ministry, Pastor Buckner has served as Youth pastor and Assistant Pastor of Parkview Baptist Church for three years under the capable leadership of Pastor Freddie L. Jones. He served as instructor for the New Members' Training, Youth Adult Bible study, and Youth Director. He was instrumental in starting the Tape Ministry program and a program for the youth called "AWANA" (Approved Workman are not Ashamed). He served as its Commander, headed the H.O.P.E. (Help Our Progeny Excel) program. Served as Religious advisor for the NAACP, for the Prince George’s County. Serves on the Executive Board for the Collective Banking Group of Prince George’s County and vicinity. 

On March 10, 1994, God called Pastor Buckner to a higher level. He called him to Pastor the Marlboro Meadows Baptist Church in Upper Marlboro, MD. Since that time, the church has grown tremendously in spirit and in membership. 


God needs each of us in the position for which He has anointed and ordained us. His eyes are roaming the face of the earth looking for people to whom He can promote to a position of honor. The Pastor and his family were blessed when God promoted them yet to a higher level. On October 8, 1999 Pastor Buckner stepped out on faith and resigned his secular job to fully devote himself to the ministry. This obedience to God is truly a faith walk. A good shepherd oversees the care of his sheep and our Pastor is following the example set by our Savior, Jesus Christ. 


Pastor Buckner has been gifted to teach and is doing so with certificate courses: "The Journey series. (from 1997 to present) continuing with new class “Journey Into Christlikeness” scheduled to start this coming fall. 


Pastor Buckner is a humble person who feels as a Christian, we must walk in the light. The scripture states that God is light and in Him there is no darkness. Furthermore, Pastor Buckner teaches that in order to have real Joy in the Lord is to put: Jesus Over You 


J - Jesus First 

O - Others Second and 

Y - Yourself last 


You will often find Pastor Buckner quoting his favorite scripture: Joshua 1:8 

"Don't let this book depart out of your mouth; but you shall meditate on it day and night and observe to do according to all that is therein; for then he will make your way prosperous and then you shall have great success. "

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