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Damon Bray

Pastor Bray is our Youth Pastor and oversees all aspects of the Youth Ministry. In addition he serves as a talented and committed musician on the Keys.  Reverend Bray has served faithfully for many years in both ministries and truly has a passion for both music and the young people of our church.

Christopher Stephens

Minister Chris Stephens is the head of our Christian Education department. He is the instructor for our weekly Adult Empowerment Hour. Minister Stephens is also the head of our Men’s fellowship, where men are able to come together share in good food and conversation.

Tawana Twitty

Minister Twitty has been a disciple at MMBC for the past 18 years. She currently  serves as Overseer of the HELPS Ministry, which includes  S.P.I.R.I.T (Single Parents Initiating Righteousness in Truth), Rosie Circle(Women's Ministry) and S.A.L.T (Single Adults Living Triumphantly).  Minister Twitty also serves as a  Praise Team Leader. May the life I live speak for me as I serve the people of God with a glad heart.

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Dawn Stephens

Minister Dawn as the Minister over the Helps ministries, oversees the Usher, Greeter, Wellness, and Cancer Survivors and Culinary ministries. She is also very active in the Music and Fine Arts Department where she sings with the Praise Leaders and directs Victory Mass Choir. Minister Stephens has been a member of the church for 15 years.

Barry Mormon

Minister Mormon, a member of M.M.B.C. / Victory-Life Center since 1995. I was born and am from Washington, D.C. I currently oversee the audio/visual ministry and assist in the evangelism ministry and support in ministry where needed.

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