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First Lady Avis Buckner



First Lady Avis Buckner was born in Petersburg, Virginia. She relocated to the Washington, D.C. in 1963 where she later graduated from Theodore Roosevelt High School in 1972. She furthered her education by attending Prince Georges Community College (PGCC), Washington Saturday College (Howard University), and later graduated from Jericho Christian College in 1988. God has called Avis to empower women.. To do this she consistently feeds herself spiritually by availing to classes at Marlboro Meadows Baptist Church, Church of The Great Commission and First Baptist Church of Glenarden. 


In 1973, Avis met and married Marcellous A. Buckner, of Islandton, South Carolina. They have two wonderful daughters and six granddaughters. 


Prior to coming to Marlboro Meadows Baptist Church (MMBC) with her husband in 1994, Avis attended the Parkview Baptist Church for more than 20 years. At Parkview, she actively participated as a Deaconess, Nurses, Guild, AWANA, Sanctuary Choir, and she established a feed the Homeless Ministry. 


Since coming to MMBC, Avis has organized or has been actively involved in the following Ministries: 


* Deaconess - birthed this ministry to provide support to the pastor, deacons and congregation. 


* The Joy Lights Children’s Choir - directed this choir for many years, she dearly loves children. 


* Courageous Adults Reaching Excellence (CARE) - birthed this ministry to encourage young adults attending college away from home. 


* Keep it Real Ministries - birthed this ministry to focus on meeting the needs of today’s teens. 


* Praise Leaders - birthed this ministry shortly after coming to MMBC. 


* Minister’s Wives Ministry - birthed to encourage other minister’s wife at MMBC. 


* Women Strengthening Women - birthed to connect with sisters not attending MMBC. 


* Wellness Ministry - encourages healthy habits for women and men. 


* Honorary Missionary – visits the sick and shut in. 


* Has hosted several conferences for Pastor’s Wives and Minister’s Wives. 



Avis was employed for more than 40 years at the Water Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C. and retired from the new Walter Reed National Medical Center, Bethesda, MD facility in 2012. She is loved and respected by her family, friends, and church community. One of her favorite scriptures is Proverbs 3:6, “In all your ways acknowledge Him; And He shall direct your paths.”

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